Avemco now offers coverage for more kinds of kit planes than ever before.

  • Bodily Injury and Property Damage Liability extended sales coverage for up to one year after the date of sale, or the period that the aircraft was insured by Avemco, whichever is less.
  • Coverage for both the building phase and when completed for flight.
  • Up to $15 for each documented hour of labor to assemble or reconstruct your aircraft.
  • $50,000 liability coverage for rented or leased hangars.
  • Save up to 30% on your annual premium for all owned products.

What is considered an experimental aircraft?

An experimental aircraft is an amateur-built aircraft built by an individual and then licensed by the Federal Aviation Administration (FAA) as “Experimental.” It defines these aircraft as used for non-commercial, recreational purposes such as education or personal use. Homebuilt and kitbuilt aircraft fall into this category.

What types of kitbuilt aircraft can be insured by Avemco?

  • Glasair
  • Just Aircraft, Kitfox
  • Lancair
  • Long EZ
  • Pietenpol Aircamper
  • Pitts
  • Quad City Challenger
  • Quicksilver
  • Rans
  • Sonex
  • Starduster
  • Steen Skybolt
  • Vans RV Series
  • Varieze
  • Velocity
  • Wag Aero
  • Zenith
  • And More...
*Premium credits apply to Direct Approach Aircraft Insurance Policy POL0001 and are subject to underwriting guidelines.

Homebuilt Aircraft FAQs

Have a question about Avemco's Homebuilt aircraft insurance? Browse through our list of frequently asked questions below. If you still can't find the answer you're looking for, contact us at (888) 241 7891 (M-F 9:00 am to 6:00 pm Eastern). One of our aviation underwriters will be happy to assist you.

  1. I build aircraft for a living. Does the Construction/Reconstruction policy cover me?
  2. I have special tools in order to complete this project. Would they be covered under your policy?
  3. I have just completed the airplane and plan to begin taxi testing… does your policy cover this?
  4. Does this policy cover my labor costs and if so, how much?
  5. Can I just purchase hull insurance, or must I take liability coverage as well?
  6. Does this policy cover my kit while it is being transported to my home?
  7. Can I get coverage for aircraft damage on my homebuilt if I equip it with an automobile engine?
  1. Q: I build aircraft for a living. Does the Construction/Reconstruction policy cover me?

    A: No. The Construction/Reconstruction Endorsement does not cover an insured person's construction or reconstruction of the insured aircraft as a business or for sale to others. See policy definition 6 ("Commercial Purpose") as amended by the Construction/Reconstruction Endorsement.

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  3. Q: I have special tools in order to complete this project. Would they be covered under your policy?

    A: Yes, as long as you have a receipt or other proof of purchase for them. See policy definition 11 ("Insured Aircraft") as amended by the Construction/Reconstruction Endorsement.

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  5. Q: I have just completed the airplane and plan to begin taxi testing… does your policy cover this?

    A: No. The Construction/Reconstruction Endorsement excludes coverage when your insured aircraft is in motion. When you are ready to begin taxi tests you should call us to discuss policy and coverage options.

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  7. Q: Does this policy cover my labor costs and if so, how much?

    A: Yes. Avemco's Construction/Reconstruction Endorsement includes up to $15 per hour for your documented labor.

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  9. Q: Can I just purchase hull insurance, or must I take liability coverage as well?

    A: In most states, with the Construction/Reconstruction Endorsement you have the option of purchasing only hull coverage. We encourage you, however, to purchase at least minimal liability coverage should someone be injured or have their property damaged as a result of your project since this provides you with legal defense coverage. If your homebuilt is located in a state that requires minimum liability limits check with us to determine requirements in your state.

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  11. Q: Does this policy cover my kit while it is being transported to my home?

    A: If you have physical possession of the kit and are transporting it yourself, yes, the kit is covered during transportation. Also if you do the majority of construction in one location (your home) and are transporting the aircraft and/or components (assembled wings, fuselage as an example) to the airport for final assembly that transportation is covered. If you have not taken physical possession of the kit you do not have coverage for loss that occurs prior to the delivery of your insured aircraft to you. Protection for that kind of loss should be provided by the common carrier who is delivering your kit.

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  13. Q: Can I get coverage for aircraft damage on my homebuilt if I equip it with an automobile engine?

    A: Yes. Avemco offers coverage for several of the popular FWF (Fire Wall Forward) converted automobile engine packages. Aircraft equipped with other automobile engines may be eligible for coverage once the engine has accumulated 100 flight hours in the aircraft.

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*Premium credits apply to Direct Approach Aircraft Insurance Policy POL0001 and are subject to underwriting guidelines.